Not all ebikes and trikes handle in the same way. A hub-drive assists those with lower strength who find it more difficult to push hard on the pedals, especially on hills. A mid-drive torque system relied on good leg strength to be able to apply enough force through the pedals so tends to suit riders with more physicality or who want a more natural feeling to the power assistance. One is not better than another - it depends on your abilities and individual needs.
EveryBody eBikes is the only dedicated electric trike provider registered for NDIS. Many others offer a range of AT of which the trike is a side-show, but for us, this is the only thing we do and we do it really, really well. If you want to give your person registered on the NDIS the best chance at securing funding, please contact us. We know what we are doing and we are a commercial business so we do it quickly and professionally.
Discover Dawn, a vibrant 73-year-old from Tasmania, who found freedom and joy on her semi-recumbent electric tricycle. Battling knee pain, she turned to cycling and never looked back. With her trusty e-trike, Dawn explores her hometown, inspiring others with her spirit and determination.
EveryBody eBikes has worked with customers who have cerebral palsy. Our product can be tailored to suit the individual way in which CP can present and we work with individual strengths and weaknesses to make the solutions robust and fun to ride. We realise that sometimes just a little support with electric assistance can make the difference between being able to ride and not. And we customise and adapt our base products as required. We offer trikes and bikes which are adapted in Brisbane and are supported continually.