Adaptive Trikes and Bikes for people with disability and special needs
Funding is often possible for NDIS participants through Assistive Technology Capital Supports

A therapist needs to confirm if this is reasonable and necessary due to your disability.
Our Process
The following diagram summarises the process we use to help you obtain funding through the NDIS for adaptive tricycles. We help many people - why not you or those you love/support?

But we try and do as much as we can to give you the best chance of success of getting your electric trike funded by NDIS!
Understanding Assistive Technology (AT) and the NDISElectric tricycles can be funded through the NDIS. Ask us how.
The NDIS funding participants receive differs for everyone and is determined by how disability affects the individual and what supports are needed to reach the individual’s goals. For many NDIS participants, assistive technology (AT) is required to help complete day-to-day activities, such as travelling around within the community.
Riding with your friends
Child riding in shared park on electric bike with quick release adult stabilisers.
Being able to do everyday activities which are age-appropriate, offer opportunities for skills development and are fun is a fundamental right of passage. What parent or carer doesn't want their child to be able to join in? Did you know there are so many options for NDIS participants who can learn to ride independently, can ride with a person alongside or behind, or can ride on a bike which carries more than one, a passenger trike? We have all these options. It is our speciality.
Reasonable and necessary for community access and social participation
Funding for AT is allocated within your capital supports NDIS budget and can be accessed to purchase equipment required to help achieve your goals and enjoy a fulfilling life such as an ebike, an electric tricycle or a special needs tricycle.

The range of bike and trike AT is extensive and what suits your needs is usually determined in association with your OT or Physio. We can help the process by highlighting any new options, range or modifications which may make the AT more appropriate, suited and safe for you, the rider. Electric tricycles can be funded through NDIS if they are considered reasonable and necessary. They are funded as Assistive Technology.

Roger off for a swim at his local beach - enjoying the freedom of riding there on his own Trident ebike and without any assistance
We appreciate that special needs are just that – special! Where the word special means “better, greater, or otherwise different from what is usual.”
And we work with you to find out what will help you best. Just ask us about the options, check out the range of products on our website and we can help you with the rest.
Sources: https://disabilityplanservices.com.au/blog/capital-supports-ndis/