Many customers ask us how to maintain their electric bike or trike. Basically, we recommend a common-sense approach, where the bike maintenance focusses on taking good care of your bike regularly at home, with some easy tips, but also to always remember your annual trike service at our workshop.
We know that you don’t want to know how to maintain an electric trike for all work required, but we do know that a little TLC at home can save you money later on down the track. Here are some simple tips to keep your electric trike or bike in excellent condition in between services:
At home tips:
- Always check your tyre pressures before you ride. Remember, the pressure range is printed on the wall of the tyre. Heavier riders should aim for the upper end of the range while lighter riders can enjoy a bit more cushioning at the lower end of the range. But always check your tyres before heading out. This is a great way to reduce the chance of pinch flats.
- Lubricate your chain each month. This is quite easy to do by simply rotating the pedals backwards while using a bike-specific lubricant. We recommend using a clean, lint-free cloth to wipe any excess after letting the lube rest for a few minutes. We love Tri-flow wet or dry lube – cheap and effective!
- Tighten moveable parts. Sometimes, a simple check of nuts and bolts throughout your bike or trike, especially on your handlebars and wheels before a ride can avoid movement. This is especially important if you frequently transport your bike or trike on the rear of a vehicle, due to vibrations.
At the workshop tips:
Our workshop has been designed to handle mechanical bike servicing and repairs, electric bike servicing repairs and, unlike many bike shops, we can easily accommodate large bikes and trikes. We have specialist lifting equipment to make annual and complex maintenance tasks safe and our team have completed extensive training and on-the-job knowledge with a wide range of tricycles.
Let us keep your bike or trike, no matter where you purchased it, in tip-top condition.
We service all bikes, all brands of bikes and trikes and all ages of bikes, within reason. We don’t always have the parts to hand, but we will give you open, honest advice and do what we can to keep you riding.
Servicing Workshop | EveryBody eBikes
Our service price-list is advertised on the link above. Please note, customers who choose to purchase a bike or trike from us always benefit from lower servicing and repair charges than for other bikes and trikes.