Keeping Up with Your Partner
For whatever reason, does your partner ride better, faster, stronger, longer than you? If this sounds familiar, you are not alone.
If you feel that you are unable to keep up or you negatively impact the joy your partner has by dragging along behind, embracing an ebike may be just the answer you have been seeking.
- Unable to keep up
- Too slow on hills
- Reluctant to ride many routes due to distance or inclines
- Lacking a fancy road bike to take on the challenge
Believe me, we know how you feel. When our children were small, we used to ride together as a family. As they progressed to having more commitments outside of the family than within it, they got exercise through organised sport, Richard took up with a group of like-minded middle aged riders and I did something else. Can’t quite remember what now, but it meant I no longer rode regularly and when I went back to trying it, felt I was a boat anchor for everyone else. But no more!!!
If Richard wants to ride his road bike, I can adjust my power settings to ride alongside him. I must admit, I appear to be putting in far less effort than him on those hills but for the first time in my life, if I choose to go ahead, I can! As they say, the hills just disappear…
- Increased activity and exercise
- Able to ride for longer distances
- Arrive at your destination without being sweaty and red-faced
- Ride with different groups and actually enjoy the experience
- Improved confidence, well-being and outlook
- Ability to get up and do it all again the next day!
I have ridden 16″ wheeled folding ebikes and kept up especially on the hills. I have ridden hub-drive two-wheelers and felt comfortable alongside my fit husband. And now I choose to ride a two-wheeled mid-drive and I can take the challenge nearly any hill throws at me. If the suggestion is to go for a long ride, a ride on a rail trail or out bush, I know I can do it. Like me, give it a try. You will be amazed at what you can achieve!
Case Studies:
Riding the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail on a Lekker OutBack mid-drive ebike
Come and check out the range of ebikes and etrikes instore. We have folding ebikes, stabilised ebikes, etricycles and both hub-drive and mid-drive electric bicycles, step-through and step-over models.