Living with MS

Living with MS

Women helping disabiled man go for a bike ride

Many of our customers approach us to find solutions which make living with MS just a little bit easier and more like their previously independent world. By working closely with our customers, many occupational therapists and physiotherapists, we have identified key patterns which prompt individuals to seek assistance through the use of ebikes, trikes or other Assistive Technology (AT).

Primarily contact with us has happened when the common symptoms of MS present and impact daily activities: fatigue, balance and coordination changes, sensitivity to heat and muscle spasms or stiffness.

Appreciating that no two people are the same and living with MS can be very different for each individual we meet, we have worked with our customers to highlight the key ways in which AT can mitigate those symptoms and provide a means to reduce the risk of simply not being able to get home from a ride.

Taking just some of those common symptoms in turn, here are some of the instances where we have first-hand knowledge of wellbeing improvements from our current customer base and the tips and tricks we explain to make life just a little bit easier for these symptoms.

Do you experience other conditions when living with MS? Contact us now and let us know your concerns and we can see how we can assist you. We would appreciate the feedback and through your time and input, can continually improve this document. Thank you.