What is a realistic budget for an electric bike?

- Folding ebike – $1000 to $6500
A folding bike can be bi-fold (folds in half) or tri-fold (folds in 3) with tri-fold often being the most compact for lifting and storing. The mechanism usually involves folding the frame as well as the handlebars using a series of hinges and safety catches, making small electric bikes in Brisbane a great score.
- Small format when folded
- Lightweight
- Convenient for travelling or commuting
- Great power to weight ratio for excellent performance
- Hub-drive ebike – $2,000 to $5,000
A hub-drive ebike has the motor in the front or rear wheel, usually depending on the gearing system used. Hub drives tend to be entry level ebikes (also often known as “gateway ebikes”) and are usually in a more competitive price bracket
- Price more competitive
- Simpler design with less complex gearing (often 3 speed or single geared)
- More power with less pushing on the pedals!
- Mid-drive ebike – $4,000 to $10,000
Mid-drive ebikes tend to be more expensive as the frame has been designed to fit the mid-drive motor and the components used to build the ebike tend to be of a higher quality or better range than hub-drives.
- Instant power on starting
- Wide range of gears (7-speed to 12 speed)
- Often fitted with hydraulic brakes for more sensitive and responsive braking
- Easier to change tubes with motor in central position