Custom builds for ebikes
If you have a strong financial or emotional attachment to your mechanical bike, maybe a conversion would suit your needs. Fitting a conversion kit is dependent on an assessment of viability including options for battery placement, hub-drive or mid-drive and whether it is worth the investment.
EveryBody eBikes has the huge bonus of being co-owned by Richard, who holds a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (UNSW) - not just a pretty face!
Design, innovation and a fresh approach to custom builds, challenges and solutions.
Our team performs custom builds on bikes, trikes, recumbents and special needs trikes
We specialise in both design and installation of electric solutions.
Custom builds including conversion kits, modifications and custom changes are covered by 12 months warranty only.
Before using this vehicle, check the applicable local laws relating to your intended use of the vehicle on roads and road related areas.
WARNING: Do not dispose of this vehicle or components of this vehicle in household or kerbside garbage bins. When disposing of this vehicle or components of this vehicle, check the applicable local waste and disposal laws.
Call our workshop to discuss your specific needs